2024 Margaret "Maggie" Nolan O'neill Fellowship

Provides $7000 to a student pursuing a summer research project at the nonprofit Jay Heritage Center (JHC), located on the former Westchester estate of jurist, statesman, peacemaker, anti-slavery advocate, Chief Justice of the United States and two-time Governor of New York, John Jay.



May 03, 2024

The Center for American Studies at Columbia University is pleased to announce the Margaret “Maggie” Nolan O’Neill Fellowship. The fellowship is intended to support a student pursuing a summer research project for 8-10 weeks. The fellowship was established in 2022 in memory of Margaret “Maggie” Nolan O’Neill (Class of 2021), who studied political science, government, and political philosophy at Columbia University, with a keen interest in the application of those studies in the modern world. The purpose of this academic opportunity is to advance scholarship in American history and geopolitics while fostering respectful dialogue on topics relevant to the evolution of our nation, the shaping of its democracy and place in the global arena. Inspired by Maggie’s own passion for intellectual discourse and boundless curiosity about our country’s history and political landscape, the fellowship allows an undergraduate or law student at Columbia University to use the JHC campus, archives and advisors as resources and includes a stipend for an immersive summer experience. The selected fellow is invited to present their final research to the public in a fall program.

JHC is an educational organization and the steward of a 23-acre National Historic Landmark site and public park in Rye, New York, which hosts programs in American history, social justice, environmental stewardship, architecture, and historic preservation. Learn more at www.jayheritagecenter.org.

The fellowship amount is $7,000, with an additional $500 honorarium for the faculty advisor(s) and remuneration for related transportation expenses.

Applicants must be in their second or third year in Columbia College or General Studies at Columbia University or a 1L or 2L at Columbia Law School. Students majoring in American Studies are especially encouraged to apply.

How to Apply

The application consists of a proposal and a letter of support. The proposal must include:

  1. a description of the research project noting how the applicant will make use of relevant resources at the Jay Heritage Center (750-800 words);
  2. a resume;
  3. a short bio paragraph (50-100 words);
  4. a current academic transcript. Please submit the application as one PDF file sent by email to [email protected].

Applicants should also contact a potential Columbia faculty advisor to request a brief letter of support for the project, to be sent by email to [email protected].  

Deadline is 5pm Friday, May 3, 2024 for both the application and the brief letter of support.